The ANGGREK Ear Acupuncture Model is a meticulously designed tool that accurately represents the human ear’s acupuncture points. Measuring approximately 19.5 x 11.5 x 3 cm, this model is crafted from high-quality PVC material, ensuring durability and longevity. It serves not only as a practical tool for acupuncturists but also as an educational resource for students and practitioners alike.
One of the standout features of this model is the clear engraving of acupuncture points. Each point is enlarged in a 1:1 ratio, which provides a precise visual representation that allows users to effectively target the acupoints. This clarity is crucial for both learning and practical application, as it minimizes the risk of errors when locating points during treatment.
Moreover, the ANGGREK Ear Acupuncture Model is designed for comfort and usability. The ergonomic design ensures that it feels natural to handle while studying or demonstrating acupuncture techniques. The structure of the ear canal mirrors that of a real human ear, enhancing the learning experience for students and practitioners who wish to gain a more intuitive understanding of ear acupuncture.
This model is not just a tool; it is an educational asset. It is suitable for various settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools, and even at home. Whether you are a student aiming to learn the intricacies of acupuncture or a professional needing a reliable reference, this model fits perfectly into your educational toolkit.
Material | PVC |
Size | 19.5 x 11.5 x 3 cm (7.7 x 4.5 x 1.2 in) |
Condition | 100% Brand New |
Scope of Application | Ideal for learning reference use in hospitals, clinics, schools, and families |
Included with the ear acupuncture model is a diagram that illustrates the acupuncture points. This diagram serves as a supplementary tool, enhancing the learning experience by providing visual guidance alongside the model itself. The combination of the model and the diagram makes this product a fantastic addition to any educational environment.
In conclusion, the ANGGREK Ear Acupuncture Model is an essential resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of acupuncture. Its realistic representation, durable construction, and educational value make it a must-have tool for both learners and seasoned professionals. Unleash your potential in the field of acupuncture with this remarkable model.
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